Discover our research portfolio
Explore our diverse portfolio of research topics that are centered around the study of light-controlled heatflow at the nanoscale and at (ultra)fast timescales with applications in photothermal catalysis.

We study sub-wavelength thermal hotspots in metal nitride nanostructures under pulsed illumination
Breaking the limit of nanoscale optical heating
Read more: Advanced Materials 2021

We exploit non-steady state chemical kinetics under (ultra)fast heat-pulsed conditions to make plasmonic nanocatalysts work harder and more selectively
Photothermal catalysis under pulsed illumination
Read more: ACS Catalysis 2023

We use focussed ion beam milling and electron-beam lithography to fabricate metal nitride nanostructures such as TiN and HfN and map the plasmonic modes using cathodoluminescence
Fabrication of plasmonic metal nitride nanostructures
Read more: Nanoscale 2019

We characterize the ultrafast heat generation of metal nitride nanoparticles using transient optical spectroscopy techniques in combination with optical and heat-transfer FEM modelling using COMSOL
Ultrafast heat generation using plasmonic metal nitride nanoparticles
Read more: Advanced Optical Materials 2021

We design and engineer lab-scale photothermal reactors and simulate the heat and gas flows under illuminated conditions using COMSOL
Photothermal reactor engineering

We develop microkinetic models for pulsed (photothermal) catalysis to guide and support our efforts in the lab
Microkinetic modelling of pulsed catalysis
Read more: ACS Catalysis 2023

We use Raman scattering microscopy in combination with temperature-sensitive molecular modes to measure the optical heating of plasmonic nanostructures
Measuring the microscopic temperature of plasmonic nanostructures
Read more: J. Phys. Chem. C 2023